EXHIBITION "Dance, dance, you little devils"                                           - A view of the History of the Cartesian Devil through images -
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Danzad, danzad, diablillos


Carrasquer Zamora, José, Álvarez Sevilla, María Victoria, y Ponz Miranda, Adrián.

Translations performed by:

Dr. D. Manuel Górriz Villarroya (English), Dª. María Teresa Barea García (French), D. Trygve Rønneseth (Italian), Dr. D. Claus-Peter Neumann (German).

If you use any information from this website, please make it to be referenced as follows:
Carrasquer, J., Álvarez, M.V., y Ponz, A. (2014). Exposición "Danzad, danzad, diablillos", una visión de la Historia del Diablo Cartesiano a través de Imágenes. Teruel: Universidad de Zaragoza. Disponible en: http://cienciate.unizar.es/expo
We ask the users of this virtual exhibition to inform us through this brief survey about their opinion and the intended use of the information published.
To the teachers Dr. D. Javier Uría Varela and Dª. Carmen Lázaro Peinado by their collaboration.

This work was made possible thanks to the work of various institutions to facilitate the availability of fully replicated and accessible texts on the Internet, such as Google (http://google.es/books), BNF (Bibliothèque numérique Gallica; http://gallica.bnf.fr/), DFG (Universitäts Landesbibliothek und Sachsen-Anhalt; http://bibliothek.uni-halle.de/), BSF (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek digital; http: //www.bsb-muenchen -digital.de/) and other companies in the public or private sphere. Also thanks to librarian service exchange and document search library of the Teruel Campus and all the other institutions with which it interacts and collaborates. Devils of this page are made by glasdeko24.de.
The authors are part of the Consolidated Group for Applied Research "Beagle" (BOA, 9/5/2008) financed by the Department of Science, Technology and University of the Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund.
© Authors
Legal information of Spanish version CD-ROM:
Legal Deposit: TE-147-2014
ISBN-10: 84-697-0983-6
ISBN-13: 978-84-697-0983-2
CD-ROM Castellano sobre la Exposición - Descarga libre  Index of the sheets 


Grupo Beagle de Investigación
en Didáctica de las Ciencias Naturales
Gobierno de Aragón Fondo Social Europeo
  Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Campus Universitario de Teruel
T. 978618138


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